Fees Management Software
Our Fees Management System is widely used by several schools in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and rest of India to collect, manage and print fee receipts from students.
- Student Management with standards and divisions (sections) for different academic years.
- Fees Management with Receipt Printing based on customizable receipt format
- Outstanding Fees Report
- Flexbile and customizable fees structures for different durations such as Registration Fees, 1st Semester, 2nd Semester etc.
- Support to provide concession to particular students. This concession to be considered while preparing Outstanding Fees Report
- Truly multi-user system with support for multiple cashiers and other users and administrators who can access the software at the same time.
- Support for multiple academic years with separate reports for each year
- Easy data entry interface to quickly enter fee receipt records
- Reports with grouping and sections such as Cashier wise reports, period, and also standard and division wise fee collection reports
- Summary of fees collection during the specified period, categorized by cashier names.
- Reports of all modules with search feature along with export to Excel (CSV)
Technical Features:
- Works both online (web server) and offline (local/network PC on your premises)
- SMS Gateway support to send SMS to parents on fee receipts and also for outstanding fees reminder.
- Automated backup module to backup all your data on a specific schedule.
- Multi-user system with user level security
Price: ₹ 7,500/-
contact us to know more about this software and to request a free demo.